Nouns: Definition & Types with Examples


 Noun and its kinds

English Grammar Lesson -5

Noun: - A noun is a naming word. It can be name of person, place or thing.  It may also be name of an idea or feeling.

For example: Virat Kohli, Amritsar, Hospital, Computer, Book all are nouns.

 Shortcut Trick:-NOUN =Naming word - P.P.T (Person, Place and Thing)

 In short, we can say that a noun is the name of anything.

Let's us start with kinds of Nouns.

There are four kinds of Nouns. (Earlier five).

Note:- Words like wood, water, stone, chalk etc. were earlier classified as Material Nouns. It is now usual to treat them as Common Nouns.

1) Proper Nouns: - A proper noun is the special name given to a particular person or a place. Proper Nouns means one's own. Hence a proper noun is a person's own name.

For example:-

Maharana Pratap names a particular person.

Rajasthan names a particular place.

Macbook name’s a particular thing.

The words written in Blue are proper nouns, whereas the words written in Red are Common Nouns.

Proper Nouns includes the names of

Person- Ashoka


City- Ayodhya

Town- Almora


Historical place - Jallianwala Bagh

River - Ganga,


Street- Swami Vivekananda Street (Chicago)

Mountain- Mount Everest


 Day- Monday

Festival - Gurupurab

Book Ramayana

Newspaper - The Tribune  etc.


Note:- A proper noun always begins with a Capital letter.


2) Common Noun:- A common noun is a name given in common to every person or thing of the same kind or class.

Note:- Common here means shared by all not a particular.

The words book pen, river, mountain, train, animal, bird, city are all common nouns. As we have already seen them in proper noun which are marked in red ink.

Look at the example given in proper nouns.

 Satluj, Yamuna, Mahanadi are the names of rivers. The word river is a common noun. It is shared by all the three. But Satluj is the name of a particular river. So the word Satluj is a proper Noun similarly, the words (Individually) Yamuna, Mahanadi are also proper nouns.


Notes:- Common nouns are not written in Capital letters.

For example:

1)  India is a country.  

2)  Jeeva is a girl.

3) Collective Nouns are the name given to a group / number of persons or things in Collection.

For example: - Army, bunch, pack, class, fleet etc.

The word

Army stands for a collection of Soldiers

Bunch stands for a collection of keys or grapes.

 Pack stands for collection of dogs / wolves.

 Class Stands for collection of students.

 Fleet stands for Collection of ships, cars or buses.

Let's take some more examples:-

1) A band of Musicians

2) A Crew of sailors

3) A bundle of notes

4) A mob/crowd of people

5) A herd of cattle / sheep

6) A litter of puppies

7) A heap of stones

8) An orchard of fruits trees

9) A packet of cigarettes.

10) A swarm of flies, mosquitoes.

11) A colony of ants, frogs.


4) Abstract Noun: - is usually the name of a state, quality, feeling or idea that we can only think of or feel but cannot touch or see.

For example:-Words like love, beauty, truth, height, anger, health, bravery, honesty, kindness, truth, etc.

Let's understand it with an example.

We can feel heat, but we cannot touch or see it. What can we touch or see is a hot object but not heat. Similarly, we can think of honesty, but we cannot See or touch it.

Quality:-Kindness, honesty, politeness, wisdom, beautiful

State: - Boyhood, slavery, sleep, sickness, poverty.

Action: - Theft, laughter, hatred, Judgement.


1) Abstract Nouns can be formed from verbs.

Note:- Verb is an action word.


Verb       Noun

Know       knowledge

Obey        obedience

Grow        growth

Judge        judgement

Choose    choice.

Laugh       laughter.

Punish     punishment

Appoint   appointment

Revise     revision

Invent     invention

Protect   protection

Discover   discovery

2) Abstract Nouns can be made from Adjectives.


Adjective   Abstract Noun

Honest      honesty

Brave        bravery

Free          freedom

Shy           shyness

Deep       depth

Strong     strength

Foolish    foolishness

Lazy          laziness

Cruel        cruelty

True         truth

3) Abstract nouns can be made from Common nouns.


Common Noun   Abstract Noun

Slave   slavery

Prince princely  

Dirt     dirty

Child   childhood

Friend friendship


       4) Abstract nouns are formed with the help of Some Common Suffixes

 (Sometimes we may have to change spellings).

Suffix:- A suffix  is a letter or a group of letters added end of a word to form a new word.

Let us form abstract nouns from these words by adding the given a)

a) ness- great, kind, happy, lazy, dark, blind

b) ity- equal, real, moral, able, pure

c) Ship -hard, leader, friend, Champion, intern, member

d) th- true, deep, die, grow, heal, strong

e) dom - bore, wise, free, king

 f) ment -move, agree, manage

 g) sion - decide, provide, invase, divide, Confuse conclude

 h) hood - boy, false, man

 i) tion - act, protect, decorate, absorb

 j) y - discover, honest, unite

k) ty - certain, loyal, anxious.


5) Material Noun:- Material nouns are names of substances of which things are made.

    For example:-

1) I bought a diamond ring.

2) Plastic toys are very harmful.


Material nouns stands for something that we can see or touch, something that has a physical form.

According to grammatical distinction, the nouns can be classified as either

Countable Noun                                        Uncountable Noun


1) Countable Noun: The countable noun represents the names of the people or the object that we can Count.

For example:-

1) There are two pencils in my pencil box.

2) Our school has six rooms.

Uncountable Noun: The Countable noun represents the names of the people or the object that we cannot count, but we can weigh or measure them.

1) There is no information about her.

2) Have you got some tea.


Notes:- there are Certain nouns that can be used both countable and uncountable according to the context.

For example:-

1) There are 3-4 hairs on my table.

2) She has a black, shiny hair.

In examples (i) “Hair' is used as countable nouns, while in example (ii) hair is uncountable noun.


Q1. Fill in the blanks with suitable collective or abstract nouns:


1. Saurav Ganguly was the captain of Indian cricket _________ in the world cup of 2003.



2. We played a friendly match against the students of _______ xi.




3. The quality of being brave is called _________.




4. It is our duty to show _________ (kind) to animals.




5. The _________ of animals moved in silence.




6. Akash appreciated the _________ (wise) of Birbal.




7. There was a cute _________of fish swimming in the water.





Q1. Fill in the blanks with suitable collective or abstract nouns:


1. Saurav Ganguly was the captain of Indian cricket team in the world cup of 2003.



2. We played a friendly match against the students of class xi.




3. The quality of being brave is called bravery.




4. It is our duty to show kindness  (kind) to animals.




5. The herd of animals moved in silence.




6. Akash appreciated the wisdom (wise) of Birbal.




7. There was a cute school of fish swimming in the water.

Let’s Summarise

Noun is a naming word; it can be a name of person, place or thing.

There are 4 kinds of Noun (earlier 5)

Proper Noun, Common Noun, Collective, Abstract, Material Noun

Shortcut trick: - PC-CAM

According to grammatical distinction, the nouns can be classified as countable noun or uncountable nouns.

NOTE: 👇To learn about  The PARTS OF SPEECH  Click on the link given below

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  1. Whole concept at one place. No need to search other sites. Authentic souce of learning. Really very fruitful for all the learners. Commendable efforts sir.
