(Words often confused us)
- “Homo” means same and “phone” means sound. Words that have same pronunciation
but they have different spelling and meaning.
Homophones are basically those words,
when pronounced, seems similar to another word but has a different spelling and
Shortcut : Same Pronunciation but (different spelling + meaning ).
For example: Carrot: A vegetable
Carat: A unit for measuring how pure gold is
or how heavy jewels are.
pronounce similar but have a different spelling and meaning.
Homophones are used extensively in poetry to make rhythmic effects and to put emphasis on something.
Types of Homophones
There are five
different types of homophones:
1. Homograph
2. Homonym
4. Oronym
Let us
discuss them one by one.
Homograph: Some homophones are similar in spelling, but different in meanings.
They are called homographs.
Shortcut: Same spelling but (different meaning).
For example:
"hail" meaning an "frozen rain" and
"hail" meaning something that occurs in large numbers such as a hail of bullets.
Homonym: Some words
have the same pronunciation but different meanings. These are called homonyms.
For example:
Cite, sight and site.
Shortcut : Same Pronunciation but (different meaning ).
Homophones that have different spellings but are pronounced in the same way are
called heterographs.
For example: "write" and
4. Oronym: Homophones that have multiple words
or phrases, having similar sounds are called oronyms.
For example:
"ice-cream" and "I scream".
Homophones that are identical phonetically are called pseudo- homophones.
In this one
of the pair of words is not a real word.
For example:
"groan" and "grone".
Here is the
list of homophones
List of Homophones |
S.No |
Homophones |
Meaning in Hindi |
Homophones |
Meaning in Hindi |
1 |
Air |
हवा |
Heir |
उत्तराधिकारी |
2 |
Ate |
खाया |
Eight |
आठ |
3 |
Be |
होना |
Bee |
मधुमक्खी |
4 |
Berth |
सीट |
Birth |
जन्म |
5 |
Blew |
बहना/बजाना |
Blue |
नीला |
6 |
Boar |
जंगली सूअर |
Bore |
छेद करना या
गड्डा |
7 |
Born |
पैदा होना |
Borne |
से जनित |
8 |
Brake |
रोकना |
Break |
टूटना |
9 |
Buy |
खरीदना |
Bye |
विदा कहना |
10 |
Cast |
वोट देना |
Caste |
जाति |
11 |
Cell |
कोठरी/बैटरी |
Sell |
बेचना |
12 |
Cheap |
सस्ता |
Cheep |
भिनभिनाना |
13 |
Dear |
प्रिय |
Deer |
हिरन |
14 |
Dew |
ओस, बूँद |
Due |
बकाया के कारण |
15 |
Die |
मरना |
Dye |
रंग करना |
16 |
Fair |
साफ/मेला |
Fare |
किराया |
17 |
Feat |
बहादुरी का
कार्य |
Feet |
पैर |
18 |
Flour |
आटा |
Floor |
मंजिल/फर्श |
19 |
Gait |
चाल |
Gate |
मुख्य द्वार |
20 |
Hair |
बाल |
Hare |
खरगोश |
21 |
Hear |
सुनना |
Here |
यहाँ |
22 |
Hour |
घंटा/समय |
Our |
हमारा |
23 |
Knew |
जानना |
New |
नया |
24 |
Knot |
गांठ |
Not |
नहीं |
25 |
Know |
जानना/पहचान |
No |
नहीं |
26 |
Lessen |
कम करना |
Lesson |
पाठ/अध्याय |
27 |
Made |
बनाना |
Maid |
नौकरानी |
28 |
Meat |
मीट (खाने
वाला) |
Meet |
मिलना |
29 |
None |
कोई नहीं |
Nun |
भिक्षु |
30 |
One |
एक |
Won |
जीत गया |
31 |
Pain |
दर्द |
Pane |
खिड़की का
शीशा |
32 |
Peace |
शान्ति |
Piece |
टुकड़ा, हिस्सा |
33 |
Plain |
सपाट मैदानी |
Plane |
हवाई जहाज |
34 |
Principal |
प्राचार्य |
Principle |
सिद्धांत |
35 |
Road |
सड़क |
Rode |
सवारी करना |
36 |
Sale |
बिक्री |
Sail |
पाल (पानी के
जहाज का) |
37 |
Scene |
दृश्य |
Seen |
देखा गया |
38 |
Sea |
समुद्र |
See |
देखना |
39 |
Some |
कुछ |
Sum |
सवाल/योग |
40 |
Stationary |
स्थिर/स्थायी |
Stationery |
लेखन सामग्री |
41 |
Story |
कहानी |
Storey |
मंजिल |
42 |
Tale |
कथा/कहानी |
Tail |
पूँछ |
43 |
Tide |
लहर |
Tied |
बँधा हुआ |
44 |
Vain |
व्यर्थ |
Vane |
फलक |
45 |
Wait |
इंतजार करना |
Weight |
वजन |
46 |
Weak |
कमजोर |
Week |
सप्ताह |
47 |
Wood |
लकड़ी |
Would |
चाहेंगे |
48 |
Wax |
मोम |
Whacks |
अजीब |
49 |
Which |
कौन सा |
Witch |
डायन |
Conclusion: Homophones are
basically those words, when pronounced, seems similar to another word but has a
different spelling and meaning. Homophones are used extensively in poetry to make rhythmic effects.
Shortcut: Same Pronunciation but (different spelling + meaning).
Good notes 👍🏻✨