Class 8 English Udaan(Kushal)Worksheets
Lesson-4 Geography Lesson (Poem)
(Honeydew) BSEH Haryana Board
In this blog we are going to solve class 8 English Udaan worksheets of lesson -4 Geography Lesson (Poem)
(Haryana Board)
Q1. Read the passage below and answer the following questions.
Earth day is an annual event
celebrated on April 22nd. It is a day dedicated to raising awareness and
promoting action to protect our planet. People all around the world come
together to participate in various activities such as planting trees, cleaning
up litter, and conserving energy. Earth day reminds us of the importance of
taking care of our environment and encourages us to make sustainable choices in
our daily lives. Together, we can make a positive impact and create a greener
and healthier planet for future generations.
1. When is
earth day celebrated?
2. What is
the purpose of earth day celebration?
3. What are
some activities people do to celebrate Earth Day?
4. Why is it
important to take care of our environment?
Q1. Read the passage below and answer the following questions.
Earth day is an annual event
celebrated on April 22nd. It is a day dedicated to raising awareness and
promoting action to protect our planet. People all around the world come
together to participate in various activities such as planting trees, cleaning
up litter, and conserving energy. Earth day reminds us of the importance of
taking care of our environment and encourages us to make sustainable choices in
our daily lives. Together, we can make a positive impact and create a greener
and healthier planet for future generations.
1. When is earth day celebrated?
Ans. Earth
day is celebrated on April 22nd year year.
2. What is the purpose of earth day
Ans. The purpose of Earth day is to raise awareness and promote action to
protect our planet.
3. What are some activities people do to
celebrate Earth Day?
celebrate Earth Day by planting trees, cleaning
up litter, and conserving energy.
Why is it important to take care of our environment?
Ans. It
is important to take care of our environment because it helps us to live a
healthier life, protects nature and ensures a greener and healthier planet for future
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